How to Become a Software Engineer

So you want to become a Software Engineer/ Programmer/ Developer ? You want to join the cool kids and earn big money? I will tell you how and I will give points just to give you a jump start.

1. Computer
This is obvious since coding will always be done on a computer. For starters I recommend a Windows PC instead of Mac. It is easier to configure and install things on Windows. Specially Notepad++ is not available on Mac.

2. Artistic or Logical ?
This is the question you must answer first. If you are good in color theories, you can be a web designer and just focus on HTML and CSS. If you are logical, you must study backend coding (API and DB). But keep mind that those two are combined that is called Full Stack Developer which is more in-demand. Imagine the fusion on Dragon Ball so you can grasp the idea.

3. Type of Learning
There are two types of learning; experience before knowledge and knowledge before experience. You probably heard this before in school. Your Mathematic subjects are based on knowledge before experience. While your Science experiments are based on experience before knowledge.

Some framework will force you to experience before knowledge like Spring, Android or even The idea is they give a working code where you can run them and study the parts you only needed to understand. This is fast for the sake of being fast.

I still suggest you do the knowledge before experience. Check out where they teach step by step about a language so you can understand the why instead of the how. In this line of work, you must be able to understand codes of other developer like working as a team or working in a legacy system.

4. What language I must study?
Remember item 2?
For web designer, HTML and CSS are enough.
For backend, choose Java or Python as backend.
For full stack, study Java, PHP or Python then add on top of it with HTML, CSS and JavaScript. I know this is too much but full stack is expected to do all the task from server to client side.

For JavaScript choose the pure JavaScript without framework such JQuery, ReactJS or AngularJS. You will be overwhelmed if you push it to study more.

5. Landing that job
This is simple, just search the most common questions on the language you focus in the internet. Example is Java, a very strict and pattern based language. If everything is strict, then there is finite questions can be ask about that language.
I recommend you read the best book for Java: SCJP Sun® Certified Programmer for Java™ 6 Study Guide by Kathy Sierra and Bert Bates. The first pages explain most important part of Java but keep in mind that it is assumed you have knowledge on Java before.

Be confident yet humble on the interview. Show that you know your stuff but if you do not know, you can guess and admit you are not sure on you answer. The interviewer most likely to happily explain the answer to you.

I hope I manage to help you land that job. Remember that it’s not about the salary but it’s about the prestige and fulfillment that comes with it.

Happy coding!


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